Technical supervisor

Technical supervisor Technical supervisor Technical supervisor Technical supervisor Technical supervisor

Technical supervisor

As a technical supervisor MegaronProject LLC accompanies a project at all stages of it’s realization from collecting and preparing preliminary permissions till putting building into operartion. As a technical supervisor we are ready to be responsible for the whole project or for it’s separate parts.

In our opinion the technichnical supervisor’s function must be founded on the maximum of partnership. Consequently, we become our Customer’s trustee and controle honouring his interests by all phases of project realization.

Our experienced specialists act for a Customer by all governmental, private and other organizations and structures, cooperate with owners of the neighbour terrains.

We organize competitions for choosing a general planner (if it is not our organisation’s part) and a general contractor/contractor, during realization of a project we act for our Customer by these and other organizations, in the name of our Customer we fulfil all organizational and technical tasks by all phases of project design, constructing and putting into operation.

Getting preliminary permissions and effecting engineer surveys

As a technical supervisor on the base of developed preproject solutions we organize collection of a complete suit of preliminary permissions including technical requirements for connecting building services systems and a land plot development plan, we work out and execute tasks for elaboration of project documentation, as well as effect organization and control over engineer surveys (geodesics, geology, hydrometeorology and ecology) till they have been fully and qualitatively realized. By this phase we effect all necessary works, collect all necessary papers and permissions, what confers our Customer right to begin working out project and working documentation as well as on futher site development of a land plot.

If there is a lack of some documentation it could lead to a negative conclusion on the part of a state or private expertise, as well it could be a legal cause for the governmental compliance monitoring and oversight authorities in the field of construction to refuse to give a building permission or to stop installation and construction works.

Development of project and working documentation

By this phase all necessary approvals of project documentation are got, its working out is organized and accompanied as well as its expertise till getting a positive conclusion.

After that project documentation is approved by us as through a technical supervisor and as a result a building permission is requested.

Within this phase working out and release of the complete volume of working documentation are also organized and accompanied. This volume must be enough for effecting installation and construction works through a contractor/general contractor. Сorrespondence of working documentation, project documentation, Customer’s demands and actual norms and rules is controlled

Choosing contractors/ a general contractor

On the base of elaborated working and tender documentation we work out a developed plan to effect installation and construction works, that is further specified and detailed with the participation of a general planner and a contractor, budget for construction is planned.

In the following tasks are worked out, a package of tender documentation is completed, competition for choosing contractor /contractors for effecting the whole cycles of installation and construction works is organaized and realized.

Our specialists organize stakeout of ambits of a plot, of red lines and other construction regulation lines, of elevation marks, of building’s axes and axes of engineer constructions; prepare geodesic steakout basis, which are further drawn up and passed to a general contractor for building.

We organize and accompany getting of provisional technical requirements and permissions by relevant operational services for connecting active power and water suppliing nets, as well as sewage etc. according to a temporary plan during effecting installation and construction works.

We get building permission as well as an allowance by city departments for effecting works, we pass them timely to a general contractor for beginning of installation and construction works.

Effecting installation and construction works

During construction quality and time limits, accordance of effecting installation and constaruction works with project solutions are controlled, as well as accordance with contract commitments and planned project budget; effecting timely payment for realized works as well as other payments according to contarcts are checked.

Also building (technical) supervision is effected, quality of realizing installation and construction works and their accordance with approved project and working documentation are checked. For more information have a look by the link building (technical supervision).

Drunig a construction process and after it is finalized our specialists organize all necessary checking commissions including all necessary intermediate and final inspections through state inspection committees for building, explain all issues correpondig with committees. Together with all participating parties by a project all necessary documentation concerning effected works by object in contruction are prepared, checked and passed to responsible organisations; following prescriptions by state inspection committees and by author supervision, requirements by contract supervision concerning safe methods effecting building through contractors, as well as quality of works and used materials are checked.

We control following labour protection and safety engineering requirements and, if it is necessary, we inform state authorities for building supervision about emergency cases by object in construction.

Our organization assures our Customer summary reports and on request information about construction process, as well as about spending financial and other materials and ressources.