Construction and renovation of capital facilities is a difficult process which requires participation of multifunctional specialists for effecting construction supervision (technical supervision) as a complex of check and expert measures taking for ensuring of exact keeping up costs, time limits, volumes and quality of effecting construction works and using materials defined through a project.
Construction supervision
Approval working documentation
As construction supervision (technical supervision) our experienced specialists effect checking and approving for production working documentation for building an object.
Installation and construction works
As construction supervision (technical supervision) realizes the MegaronProject LLC checking of accordace of effecting installation and construction works with project documentation, requirements by technical regulations, results of engineer surveys, requirements against construction reconstruction оf a capital construction object, which are defined for the date of issue of a land plot development plan for getting building permission.
We realize control and technical supervision over effecting installation and construction works, checking of volumes, costs, quality of using materials, constructions and equipments for their accordance with tender documentation, working documentation as well as with commitments and prices fixed through a contract. We also check, if contractors have got all necessary licences and allowances, as well as material suppliers have got all necessary certificates; we watch over correctly execution of asbuilt technical documentation, over irregularities in the procedure and over departure from a project and from construction rules and regulations; we examine all concealed and finished works including bearing structures; fortification is effected etc. Our specialists take part in intermediate and final acceptances, they also control removal of detected work defects.
Getting permissions
We realize construction (technical) supervision on the base of a permite certificate for effecting construction supervision, which is issued to our organization through a self-regulated organization.
- Checking working documentation and its release for construction
- Checking structures, items, materials
- Controling process technology and quality of effected works
- Detecting defects and faults, controlling their removing
- Controlling assembly of equipments, tests, putting into operation
- Checking accordance of volumes and quality of effected works
- Controlling following prescriptions through organisations
- Participation in intermediate and final acceptances
- Controlling execution of technical asbuilt documentation, of general and special construction journals